Everything Articles

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  • Branches Of Government

    In the United States, there are three distinct branches, or parts of government. They are called the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. All of them have different jobs to do, ensuring that no branch can do the work of other branches. This system is called “separation of powers”. The idea is that no one person…

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  • Composition Of Jade

    Jade is the term given to an array of decorative rocks that are made up of the minerals Jadeite and Nephrite. Jadeite is often green or white, but can sometimes come in the black, brown, orange, and yellow. It is extremely tough, with an average hardness of 6.5 to 7 on Mohs scale. This strength…

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  • First Speeding Ticket

    The first known speeding ticket was issued on January 28, 1896. Surprisingly, the driver, Walter Arnold, was only going 8 mph, a remarkably slow pace for today’s driving standards! The English road where he got the ticket on had a speed limit of 2 mph. Why was the speed limit so low? Unfortunately, Arnold lived…

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