Jade is the term given to an array of decorative rocks that are made up of the minerals Jadeite and Nephrite.

Jadeite is often green or white, but can sometimes come in the black, brown, orange, and yellow. It is extremely tough, with an average hardness of 6.5 to 7 on Mohs scale. This strength makes it ideal for a wide range of uses, including decorative items and ornamental objects. The most valuable variety of Jade is emerald green, sometimes called “imperial jade”.
On the other hand, Nephrite comes in colors of, green, white, yellow, or black. This amphibole mineral has a dull luster, due to its fibrous crystal structure. Essentially, the fibers of Nephrite defuse light as it hits the stone, resulting in a less brilliant, oily appearance. This amphibole mineral has a hardness of 6 to 7 on Mohs scale. While Nephrite is generally less valuable than Jadeite, it still has some pricy gemstones! White varieties are usually more expensive than other colors, but it ultimately comes down to the quality.
In conclusion, Jade is composed of Jadeite and Nephrite, which both have different qualities and traits.